The aim of the project was to build an integrated information system of the city of Nitra, which would improve provision of services to citizens and mutual communication within the council of the city, its deputies and the city itself. Launching of the information system has contributed to more efficient services for citizens and more comfortable dealing with official matters as the citizens have been able to execute them from home or office whenever it suits them, including weekends.
We started the project in August 2014 and successfully delivered it in December 2015, while our support was provided until the end of the year 2020.
Client: City of Nitra

Assignment and its challenges
The city of Nitra secures operation of information systems not only for the city itself but also for the organizations under its establishment. Due to a growing number of requests from citizens, businesses, and due to a need for a rapid exchange of information, applications which have currently been in use are no longer sufficient.
This situation is supposed to be solved by a highly available system covering tasks administered in a paper form which are captured in isolated systems.
Specific objectives of the project are:
- integration of the city services into the general eGovermment system,
- providing digital services in accordance with the needs of citizens and entrepreneurs of the city,
- increasing availability of the services in electronic form to a wider group of residents regardless time and location,
- streamlining and accelerating activities of the municipal office.
The project was divided into three phases, which had been planned for 16 months. Outcome of the first phase of the project implementation was:
- a creation of proposal for a basic legal framework, i. e. a proposal for implementation of required legislative changes,
- a process analysis of current state,
- a detailed design of future processes of the new IS,
- a detailed design of modules,
- a detailed proposal for connection with external ISVS.
Outcome of the second phase of the project was:
- creation and implementation of software solution,
- a communication connection with relevant public administration systems, as well as a communication connection between components of the proposed IS.
Outcome of the third and a final phase of the project was:
- testing solution and putting it into production operation,
- making digital services available to citizens and businesses of the city.
A final system consists of the following components:
- Front-office systems - systems designed to establish contact with public in order to provide eGovernment services. (City Portal and Info Module, Electronic Registry, Electronic Forms, GIS Front-Office, Mobile Applications),
- Mid-office systems - IS systems and components (CSM, Process integration, DMS - document management, Filling management, Local IaM),
- Back-office systems - systems and components for processing eGovernment services and supporting systems for ensuring electronic processing of requests for eGovernment services (GIS Back-Office, System for council of the city, Registry, Local registers, Internal reporting, IS for administration of departments, Operational data repositories),
- External systems and registries - systems of external information systems of public administration and registries, in which a proposed system is integrated.
Result - benefits of the new solution
Our delivered solution has enabled a systematic use of processes and data across the entire city, which have positively affected efficiency of municipality office, as well as satisfaction of citizens and entrepreneurs.
154 digital services
More efficient operations of the city
Possibility to handle various life situations from home or work without long waiting time in offices
Environmental solution and financial savings by reduction of printing
The system was being continuously supported and regularly updated since its launch until the end of the project sustainability.
Delivered services